Início » Portuguese Government proposes minimum increase of 52 euros per year until 2026 in the civil service

Portuguese Government proposes minimum increase of 52 euros per year until 2026 in the civil service

The minimum annual increase for the civil service will be equivalent to a change in salary level, ranging from 8% for the lowest pay scale, which is 705 euros, to 2% for incomes from 2,570.82 euros.

The government is proposing this Monday to public administration unions wage increases between 8% and 2%, with a guarantee of a minimum of about 52 euros per year until 2026, said the Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva.

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The minimum annual increase for the civil service will be equivalent to a change in pay level (about 52 euros), ranging from 8% for the lowest pay on the scale, which is 705 euros, to 2% for incomes from 2,570.82 euros.

“This means that, through this mechanism for updating salaries, public administration salaries will rise, on average, 3.6% during the next year,” said the minister, speaking to Lusa.

This new updating mechanism is multi-annual, being valid until 2026, which, according to Mariana Vieira da Silva, “gives some predictability to wage increases over the four years” of the legislature, although there may be some revisions each year, depending on the economic and financial reality of the country, she admitted.

Read more in: Diário de Notícias

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