Início » Two gas leaks detected on Nord Stream 1

Two gas leaks detected on Nord Stream 1

Two gas leaks were detected on Tuesday in the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, hours after a similar incident occurred on Nord Stream 2, the Scandinavian authorities announced.

“There were two other leaks on Nord Stream 1, which is also not in operation, but contains gas,” the Danish climate and energy minister told AFP, stressing that the authorities called for “more preparation in the electricity sector.” and gas” in Denmark.

Due to these two gas leaks, the Swedish Maritime Authority issued an alert, not knowing, for now, what is at the origin of these leaks in Swedish and Danish waters.

“There are two leaks on Nord Stream 1 – one in the Swedish economic zone and one in the Danish economic zone. They are very close to each other,” a spokesman for the Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA) told Reuters news agency.

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