Início » Referendums of accession to Russia of occupied territories in Ukraine start today

Referendums of accession to Russia of occupied territories in Ukraine start today

The referendums on the accession of the Ukrainian territories of Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporijia and Kherson to the Russian Federation begin this Friday and run until September 27, the pro-Russian authorities in those regions indicated.

The parliaments of the self-proclaimed People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, recognized by the Kremlin on February 21, convened a referendum on integration in Russia between this Friday and September 27, which was joined by the Kherson and Zaporijia regions, partially under Russian domain.

The official announcement of holding these popular consultations for the annexation of Ukrainian territories under Russian occupation was made in a speech to the nation delivered on Wednesday by Russian President Vladimir Putin, along with the mobilization of 300,000 Russian reservists to fight in Ukraine and a veiled threat of using nuclear weapons against the West.

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