Início » People over 60 will make up 30% of the Chinese population by 2035

People over 60 will make up 30% of the Chinese population by 2035

Chinese society has entered an accelerated aging process, health authorities in the Asian country warned yesterday, predicting that by 2035, about 30 percent of China’s population will be over 60 years old. Chinese society is in a stage of “severe aging”, Wang Haidong, director of the Aging Department of the National Health Commission, told a press conference.

Wang estimated that by the end of 2025, around 300 million Chinese, or 20 percent of the country’s population, will be over 60 years old. The proportion is expected to increase to 30 percent, or 400 million people, by 2035. The official further pointed to geographic disparities in the aging population, which is “more numerous in urban areas” but “represents a larger proportion” in rural areas. .

By 2021, there were already 10 jurisdictions at the provincial level where the population over 60 years old represented at least 20 percent of residents. These areas are mainly located in the northeast and center of the country.

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