Início » Biden says US forces would defend Taiwan in case of China invasion

Biden says US forces would defend Taiwan in case of China invasion

US President Joe Biden said Sunday that US forces would defend Taiwan in the event of an invasion by China, while the White House said Washington’s policy had not changed.

Asked on CBS’s “60 Minutes” if US troops would defend Taiwan, Biden said “yes” in the event of “an unprecedented attack.”

This isn’t the first time Biden has said US forces would participate in an eventual war between China and Taiwan, and the White House appears to have taken a step back from its comments. The previous time was in May, during a visit to Japan.

Washington severed formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 1979, recognizing Beijing as the sole representative of China, which later became an important trading partner.

But at the same time, the United States maintained a decisive, if sometimes delicate, role in supporting Taiwan.

Under a law passed by Congress, the United States is obligated to sell Taiwan military equipment to ensure its self-defense against Beijing’s much more powerful armed forces.

However, Washington maintains what is officially called “strategic ambiguity” about whether to intervene militarily.

This policy is designed both to prevent a Chinese invasion and to dissuade Taiwan from provoking Beijing by declaring itself independent.

When asked whether Biden’s latest statement meant a shift on this strategic ambiguity, a White House spokesperson stated: “The president has said this before, including in Tokyo earlier this year. He also made it clear at the time that our policy on Taiwan has not changed. That remains correct.”

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