Início » Bolsonaro campaign creates website with attacks on Lula

Bolsonaro campaign creates website with attacks on Lula

The campaign of President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) created and promoted a website on Google that brings together news and negative content for former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), in a practice that, according to experts, is prohibited by electoral legislation.

Called Lulaflix, the page was created on August 30 and the domain is registered with the CNPJ of Bolsonaro’s reelection campaign. However, the page is not listed in the TSE (Superior Electoral Court) as belonging to the president’s team.

According to experts consulted by Folha, this conduct violates the electoral rules on at least three fronts.

Article 57 of the electoral legislation points out that the “direct or indirect hiring of a group of people for the specific purpose of issuing messages or comments on the internet to offend the honor or denigrate the image of a candidate” is a crime.

In addition, it also constitutes irregular conduct to carry out advertising on the internet “improperly attributing its authorship to a third party, including a candidate, party or coalition”.

Read more in Folha de S. Paulo

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