Início » Ukrainians dream of decisive turning point after 200 days of invasion

Ukrainians dream of decisive turning point after 200 days of invasion

Defeated, Russian troops abandoned the Kharkiv region, however, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, they left a last trace of the occupation by attacking infrastructure, leaving the northeast of the country and part of Donetsk in a blackout. Even so, the moment is one of optimism and, in Kiev, it is believed that the turning point is definitive.

On Sunday afternoon, the region’s military command counted more than 40 villages freed, while on social media they noticed even more, such as north of the city of Kharkiv, Kudiivka, on the border with Russia. “The liberation of settlements in the Kupiansk and Izium districts of the Kharkiv region is under way,” the Ukrainian military said. These two cities are the main supply and logistics centers that Russia depended on by rail to resupply frontline positions in the east.

In the retreat, which Moscow said was planned, boxes of ammunition and military material were abandoned by the invading forces. With the attack on the largest power plant in the region, President Zelensky’s adviser Mikhailo Podolyak called the Russian action a “manifestation of terrorism” and a “cowardly” response to the flight of its own army on the battlefield.”

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