Início » Second Canadian massacre suspect committed suicide

Second Canadian massacre suspect committed suicide

The second suspect in the massacre that killed ten people on an Indian reservation in Canada died today of self-inflicted wounds after being arrested, Canadian authorities said.
Myles Sanderson, 32, was found near Rosthern, in Saskatchewan province, after police announced that a suspicious person, armed with a knife, had stolen a car in the small rural town in the northwest of the country.

A police officer linked to the process told the Associated Press (AP) that the vehicle in which Sanderson was following was rammed by the police and he surrendered.

The same source said that Sanderson committed suicide, but did not reveal further details about when the injuries were inflicted or when the death occurred.

Videos and photos from the scene showed a white car on the side of the road, surrounded by police cars, with the airbags deployed.

Myles Sanderson’s death comes two days after police located the body of the other person involved in the stabbings, brother Damien Sanderson, 31, on the Indian reservation.

Police said at the time that Damien died from injuries inflicted by someone else and that they were investigating whether Myles Sanderson had killed his brother.

Several agents of the Mounted Police had traveled in recent days to the James Smith Cree Nation Indian Reservation, where the stabbings took place on Sunday, in an attempt to find Sanderson, after receiving information about his possible presence in that community.

Police did not reveal possible motives for the attacks, but an indigenous leader in Saskatchewan linked them to the wave of violence and drug use in the community.

Canadian authorities consider Myles Sanderson and Damien Sanderson suspects in the multiple stabbings that killed 10 people and wounded 18 others in James Smith Cree Nation and the nearby town of Weldon.

Myles Sanderson has been wanted since May 2022 for failing to meet the conditions of his parole.

The suspect was sentenced to five years in prison for assault, robbery, malicious conduct and threats, but after being released to serve probation, he disappeared.

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