Início » Number of visitors to Macau drops 98.8% in July

Number of visitors to Macau drops 98.8% in July

The number of visitors to Macau fell in July by 98.8% year-on-year due to the recent covid-19 outbreak that hit the territory, it was announced today. Compared to the previous month, the drop was 97.4%, the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated.

Read more about it: Macau visitors fell more than 90% in June to 22,500

The average length of stay of tourists was 25.4 days, up 22 days year-on-year, as tourists seeking to enter mainland China would have to undergo quarantine, which explains why they extended their stay in Macau because they were “blocked,” the DSEC explained.

The DSEC also indicated today that total visitor spending dropped by almost half in the second quarter compared to the same period last year.

Also read: Macau condemns Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taipei

Macau faced in June and July the worst outbreak of covid-19 since the pandemic began, recording six deaths and more than 1,800 infected in that period. The territory tightened control measures, impacting the local economy, which is heavily dependent on tourism from mainland China and the gaming industry.

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