Início » Firefighters, doctors and nurses with the biggest pay drop in the state of Portugal

Firefighters, doctors and nurses with the biggest pay drop in the state of Portugal

Salomé Pinto

Average monthly earnings in the Public Administration reach 1819 euros in April, an increase of 0.1% compared to January. Expenditure on wages remains at 1.3 billion per month.

The average monthly earnings of state workers, which includes not only the gross wages, before deduction of discounts, as well as subsidies, bonuses and supplements, was 1819 euros in April, an increase of 0.1% over the previous quarter and 1% in year-on-year terms, according to the summary of public employment, released yesterday.

The DN /Dinheiro Vivo did the math on the evolution of the number of civil servants – which in June, stood at 741 698 – and salaries and found that spending on these remunerations remained virtually unchanged at 1.3 billion euros per month since April last year.

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Among the professions with the largest drops in income, in relation to the previous quarter, the firemen saw their average monthly earnings fall 4.8% to 1633 euros, nurses saw a drop of 1.9% in their average salary to 1786 euros, and the inspection staff lost 1.1% of their earnings, now earning about 2521 euros. But if we analyze the salaries in homologous terms of last year, then the career of doctor was the most sacrificed, with a salary loss of 2.9%: in April 2021, a clinician in the National Health Service (SNS) received, on average, 3707 euros. A year later, the average gain fell to 3600 euros, a loss of more than one hundred euros.

Also read: Dinheiro Vivo

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