Início » Back to school in Macau with tight rules

Back to school in Macau with tight rules

Among the guidelines, students are asked to return “to their usual residence (Macau, Zhuhai or Zhongshan) 10 days before the start of classes”. Students will also be required to present “a negative nucleic acid test certificate on the same day as the start of classes, carried out up to 72 hours before, which will be verified by the respective school”. This criterion is also applied to higher education students.

Also according to the same indications of the DSEDJ, students and teachers who do not stay 10 days at their usual residence before the start of classes must postpone their return, until they meet the criterion.

In recent days there have been several requests from schools and deputies for the DSEDJ to start preparing the work for the new academic year. In the communiqué, the Government considers that it acted in a timely manner. “DSEDJ provided, in good time, guidelines to non-higher education schools on the suspension of classes due to the epidemic, contained in the ‘Schools Operation Guide’ and, in the coming days, will continue to communicate with the educational sector to implement the various provisions”, was considered.

Read more in Hoje Macau

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