Início » Bolsonaro’s voters are more engaged in social networks and against the STF, Datafolha finds

Bolsonaro’s voters are more engaged in social networks and against the STF, Datafolha finds

Last week’s Datafolha survey continues to have repercussions in the political world, especially in the dispute for the presidency. According to the data, voters who intend to vote for Jair Bolsonaro (PL) are against the actions of the ministers of the Supreme Court (STF) and optimistic about the actions of federal deputies.

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The survey also shows that Bolsonaro supporters are more present and engaged on social networks than those who will vote for Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), who currently leads the polls of voting intentions.

In addition, 90% of Bolsonaro’s voters do not believe that the president will execute a coup before the elections in October. They are also convinced that the new benefits created by the president, such as the R$600 Brazil Allowance, are to help the needy and not a way to win more votes.

Read more in: ISTOÉ

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