Início » Judite’s four reasons for leaving CNN Portugal. Pivot breaks silence

Judite’s four reasons for leaving CNN Portugal. Pivot breaks silence

Judite de Sousa’s four reasons for leaving CNN Portugal have been detailed below. They range from her unsigned contract to her unpaid editorial duties, her uninsured trip to war, her health problems in Ukraine and her personal decisions.

Journalist and anchor reiterates what she confirmed this Tuesday morning, August 2, and after being told that she had been in the war in Ukraine without a work contract, insurance and money to meet expenses. In a long Instagram message, Judite de Sousa – who a month and a half ago said she had ended her collaboration with CNN Portugal – specified the reasons for her departure from TVI.

After two thanks to manager Mário Ferreira and TVI/CNN Portugal Information director Nuno santos, the journalist lists several reasons that led her to slam the door “a month and a half ago”. “My work contract ended early on my own and exclusive initiative. Why? Because I understood that I want to try to be happy and that to do so I had to leave the public space. It was a LIFE decision,” she justified in the Instagram post.

Read more at: Delas

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