Início » Cascais buys two Paula Rego paintings for the Casa das Histórias

Cascais buys two Paula Rego paintings for the Casa das Histórias

These will be the first works of painting acquired by the local authority for the collection of the CHPR, inaugurated in 2009 to house, preserve and divulge the work of the Portuguese artist.

The Câmara de Cascais will buy this year two works by Paula Rego (1935-2022), entitled “Day” and “Night”, for the collection of the Casa das Histórias, dedicated to disseminating the artist’s work, revealed sources connected to this entity.

Contacted by the Lusa agency, the president of the D. Luís I Foundation, Salvato Teles de Menezes, member of the joint commission responsible for the activity of the Casa das Histórias Paula Rego (CHPR), along with Nick Willing, son of the painter, said that negotiations with the family of the artist had been ongoing for some time.

According to Teles de Menezes, these will be the first paintings acquired by the local authority for the CHPR collection, which was inaugurated in 2009 to receive, preserve and divulge the Portuguese artist’s work, currently made up of around 600 engravings and drawings, including the painter’s initial collection and later donations – a collection protected by the founding protocol, renewed until 2029.

Read more at: Diário de Notícias

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