Início » Carlos Moedas: “No president has done as much as I have

Carlos Moedas: “No president has done as much as I have

Francisco Nascimento

Carlos Moedas says that the Executive of Fernando Medina owed eight million euros to the parishes. The PSD mayor has already disbursed 18 million euros.

For a clean city, Carlos Moedas guarantees the “effort and commitment” of the Lisbon City Hall: until September, 190 workers will be hired and the City Hall has already disbursed 18 million Euros to the parishes. The PSD mayor pulled the strings, noted that the problems in garbage collection “are not new” and criticized the management of Fernando Medina.

Read also: PSP. More police stations at risk of closing in August

Carlos Moedas was meeting with the unions assigned to the Urban Hygiene workers to discuss the collection of garbage in the capital, and assured that “already entered more than 60 cantoneiros”, others will sign the contract in August, “and another 30 drivers who only enter in September”, a total of 190 new workers.

Read more: TSF

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