Início » In difficulties on the ground, Putin is accumulating victories outside Ukraine

In difficulties on the ground, Putin is accumulating victories outside Ukraine

Last week, the director of MI6 (the British secret), Richard Moore, said that Russia is “losing strength” in Ukraine and will have difficulties in providing not only men, but also material to continue to advance on the ground. Over the weekend, a Ukrainian official defended until, in September, Kiev will be able to reconquer the Kherson region, one of the first to fall under the control of Moscow – which, after conquering Lugansk, is slowly advancing in neighboring Donetsk.

But not everything is going wrong for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has seen two of Ukraine’s main allies fall in just a few weeks: Boris Johnson, in the United Kingdom, and Mario Draghi, in Italy. And he is witnessing the divisions that European sanctions and dependence on Russian natural gas have been fueling among the 27 – with Hungarian Viktor Orbán at the head. At the beginning of the sixth month of war, and with no prospects of how and when the conflict could end, Western fatigue risks increasing. That’s what Putin is counting on.

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