Início » Mario Draghi resigns as Prime Minister in Italy

Mario Draghi resigns as Prime Minister in Italy

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi presented his resignation on Thursday, President Sergio Mattarella’s office said, after the national unity coalition government collapsed.

Draghi presented “his resignation and that of the government he leads,” the statement said.

The president “took note of this” and the government remained in place to “conduct day-to-day management”, the note adds.

The prime minister, who appeared in the Senate this Thursday to try to rebuild the national unity coalition that supported him, ended up losing the support of three members of his government: the populist M5S, the conservative Força Italia (FI), from Silvio Berlusconi, and Matteo Salvini’s far-right League.

Mario Draghi left the Senate after learning of his partners’ intentions and before the end of the vote, which he won with 95 votes in favor and 38 against, although only 133 of the 320 senators voted.

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