Início » Do you know that there are different types of relationships? Find out how to set your

Do you know that there are different types of relationships? Find out how to set your

A relationship between two or more people can have several designations and, therefore, we leave here a short list with some types of relationship

The world of relationships is very vast and if in the past only heterosexual relationships and monogamy were socially accepted, the truth is that now things are very different.

In these times, nothing is black and white and love is worth love regardless of the type of relationship that exists.

Thus, here are some types of relationships.


A relationship of this nature is a romantic and/or sexual relationship in which there is a commitment to only one person. Any involvement with other people will be classified as a betrayal.

Open relationship

In this case, those involved in the relationship must agree to have more than one partner at a time. That is, both parties know the wills and limits of the relationship.


On the other hand, a polyamorous relationship means that you can have several romantic or sexual relationships, but each one depends on the agreement of those involved in the relationship. For example, some people only have polyamorous romantic arrangements, while others opt for only sexual.

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