Início » China threatens to take ‘strong and determined measures’ if Pelosi visits Taiwan

China threatens to take ‘strong and determined measures’ if Pelosi visits Taiwan

China said yesterday it would take “strong and determined” action if US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan.

The visit “would seriously undermine China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and would have a serious impact on the political basis of the relationship between China and the United States, by sending a very wrong signal to Taiwan’s independence forces,” a spokesman for the Ministry of Affairs said. Foreigners Zhao Lijiang at a press conference. “If the US insists on going the wrong way, China will take strong and decisive measures to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he added.

The British newspaper Financial Times reported yesterday that Pelosi is planning to visit Taiwan next month. If confirmed, it would be the first visit by a US Congressional leader to the territory in the last 25 years. Pelosi had originally planned to visit for last April, but ended up postponing it after testing positive for Covid-19.

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