Início » Brussels proposes 15% reduction in gas use by spring

Brussels proposes 15% reduction in gas use by spring

The European Commission on Wednesday proposed a target for reducing gas consumption in the European Union (EU) by 15% by spring, when Russian supplies are feared to be cut, and admitted to moving forward with mandatory demand reduction upon warning.

In a document published Wednesday on “saving gas for a safe winter,” the EU executive points out that “the EU faces the risk of further gas supply cuts from Russia due to the Kremlin’s rigging of gas exports, with almost half of the member states already affected by reduced deliveries.”

Also read: Brussels may declare EU or regional emergency in the face of Russian gas cut

Taking action now could reduce both the risk and the costs for Europe

“Taking action now can reduce both the risk and costs for Europe in case of major or full disruption, strengthening Europe’s energy resilience and therefore the Commission proposes today a new legislative instrument and a European Gas Demand Reduction Plan to reduce gas use in Europe by 15 percent by next spring,” the institution announces.

Read also: Putin says gas giant Gazprom to fulfil obligations ‘in full’

Pointing out that “all consumers, public administrations, households, owners of public buildings, energy suppliers and industry can and should take action to save gas,” the European Commission stresses that it will also “accelerate work on supply diversification, including joint gas purchasing to strengthen the EU’s ability to obtain alternative gas supplies.”

Read more at: Jornal de Notícias

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