Início » Visitor numbers drop 36.6 percent in Macau

Visitor numbers drop 36.6 percent in Macau

The number of visitors to Macau fell in June by 36.6 percent on a monthly basis due to the new outbreak of Covid-19 in the territory, it was announced today. Macau has been facing since June 18 the worst outbreak of Covid-19 since the pandemic began, with five deaths and more than 1,700 infections so far.

The territory has tightened control measures, with an impact on the local economy, heavily dependent on tourism and the gaming industry.

Read also: Covid-19: Macau government pressured to control outbreak between local and Beijing messages

Also according to the DSEC note, the number of visitors in June was also down 28 percent year-on-year, with the numbers of day-trippers (199,881) and tourists (180,790) falling 36.2 percent and 15.9 percent, respectively.

Most visitors in June were from mainland China (336,488), despite a 28.7 percent drop from the same period last year. “Notably, the number of visitors from the nine cities in the Greater Bay Area Pearl River Delta totaled 247,905, of which 47.3 percent originated from Zhuhai. Visitor numbers from Hong Kong and Taiwan were 38,895 and 5,148 respectively,” the Macau government statistics department further reported.

Read also: Covid-19. Macau records daily record of cases, but rejects total containment for now

As for the route of entry into the territory, the note added, arrived in the sixth month of this year, by land, 360,601 visitors, which represents a drop of 19.8 percent, year-on-year. Of these, 75.6 percent (272,754) entered through the Border Gate and 15 percent (53,948) through the Hengqin Border Post. As for the sea and air routes, Macau received 15,524 and 4,546 visitors, respectively.

The DSEC also noted that in the first half of this year 3,465,107 visitors arrived in Macau, down 11.8 percent compared to the same period of 2021.

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