Início » Tchizé, daughter of Eduardo dos Santos, resigns from letter and says she is against amnesties

Tchizé, daughter of Eduardo dos Santos, resigns from letter and says she is against amnesties

Tchizé dos Santos today disassociated herself from the contents of a letter signed by the older sons of former Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos, stressing that she will fight “to the end” for her father’s honor and that she is against amnesties.

“I did not sign this letter, I was not aware of it and did not sign it. I agree that my father should not be buried now because it makes no sense. I agree that my father’s body should be buried in Angola when conditions exist and when the people who persecuted him to death are no longer the government,” he stressed, referring to President João Lourenço.

Read more about this subject: Eduardo dos Santos: Angolan law provides no exceptions for detentions, but there may be deals

“What I want to be very clear is that I fought for the honor and dignity of my father until the last consequences and that one of those fights includes not accepting or asking for any amnesty, because my father did not steal anyone and I do not have to be a scapegoat for the theft of other people from MPLA, including João Lourenço, Ana Dias Lourenço and his machine and his friends, who now want to give the impression that they will make an amnesty because the dos Santos family asked for it,” she said.

The former President’s daughter said that as an Angolan citizen “I would never sign such a document,” she said, stressing that she “has nothing to do with that letter” and questioning its authenticity.

“None of my brothers informed me that they had written, signed or sent that letter, I doubt it is true because nobody informed me of its existence. If they had been I would think they were betraying the memory and honor of my father and I resigned roundly,” he declared to Lusa.

Read also: National mourning ends today: Party leaders defend immortalization of José Eduardo dos Santos

In a letter sent today to Lusa by the advisory services of the daughter Isabel dos Santos, with the signature of “Tchizé” dos Santos, the eldest sons of the former Angolan president defend a general amnesty law and the “end of judicial and institutional processes against many Angolans.

In the letter, signed by other children of Eduardo dos Santos – Isabel, José Filomeno “Zenu”, Joess, and José Eduardo Paulino “Coreon Dú” – they pledge to collaborate in holding a national funeral, but after the August 24 elections, and ask for a mausoleum to house the mortal remains.

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