Início » Deaths from political intolerance in Brazil already exceed those of four national elections

Deaths from political intolerance in Brazil already exceed those of four national elections

Brazil has already counted this year 26 assassinations for political motivations or for the exercise of public activity. The number is already higher than that registered in four presidential campaigns since the re-democratization of the country. Estadão’s monitoring of political violence shows that, starting in 2018, homicides due to partisan and ideological differences have become more frequent.

In the 2020 municipal elections, there were 16 murders due to intolerance and discussions about candidates in walks, leafleting and rallies, crimes that were not premeditated. In the last six months, homicides of this type also occurred because of activity carried out in public service (six), community activity or class association (four), accusation of corruption (two) and social conflict (one). The remaining cases fall under the heading of crimes of command, in which someone ordered the assassination of the political agent.

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More than any other type of political crime, the murder for partisan arguments has the corrosive effect of inhibiting debate in groups of friends and family and even in large communities. This type of crime affects politicians of various parties.

In May, Councilman Ednaldo Isidório Neto, of the PP, from Serra Talhada (PE), was murdered in an old family war in the municipality. He had already suffered an attempt on his life two years before. The parliamentarian was in front of his residence when he was executed at point-blank range by a couple who were riding a motorcycle, a classic action of a crime of command.

Read more at: ISTOÉ

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