Início » Lula has 45 percent of voting intentions and Bolsonaro 31 percent, reports Genial/Quaest

Lula has 45 percent of voting intentions and Bolsonaro 31 percent, reports Genial/Quaest

Pedro Fonseca

Former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) maintained his lead in the race for the Presidential Palace in the October election, with 45 percent of voter preference in a first-round simulation, against 31 percent for President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), showed a Genial/Quaest poll released Wednesday.

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This result would give the Brazilian presidential candidate victory already in the first round on October 2, according to the survey, since Lula has a higher percentage than the sum of his opponents. Lula oscillated 1 point down in relation to last month, while Bolsonaro oscillated 1 point up, which made the difference between the two candidates retreat from 16 to 14 points this month. The survey’s margin of error is 2 percentage points.

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