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China says it wants to deepen cooperation with Russia in multilateral bodies

Beijing sees alliance with neighboring country as key to countering US-led liberal democratic order. China says it wants to deepen cooperation with Russia in multilateral bodies

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu assured on Wednesday in a meeting with Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov that Beijing wants to “strengthen strategic coordination” with Moscow and deepen cooperation through the UN or the G20.

Ma Zhaoxu emphasized that under the “strategic leadership” of the Presidents of China and Russia, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, respectively, bilateral relations have registered a “high level of performance.”

Read also: China’s oil imports from Russia jump 55% year on year

“China hopes to strengthen strategic coordination with Russia and deepen cooperation in multilateral structures such as the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the [emerging economies bloc] BRICS and the G20 [the world’s 19 most developed economies and the European Union], so as to promote the development of a global governance system in a more sustainable and reasonable direction,” the same representative said, quoted in a statement issued by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to the same note, Denisov indicated that Moscow also wants to work with Beijing to “implement the important consensus reached” by the two heads of state and make “unremitting efforts” to ensure that bilateral ties develop in a “healthy way.”

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