Início » Navalny details days in prison with sewing workshops and Putin portrait

Navalny details days in prison with sewing workshops and Putin portrait

Navalny was transferred in mid-June to a high-security prison located about 250 kilometers east of Moscow and known for the ill-treatment of prisoners.

In a message posted on Instagram, Alexei Navalny narrates his schedule, waking up every morning at 6:00 am and working in a sewing workshop in the prison.

“We spent seven hours in front of a sewing machine, sitting on a stool below knee level,” he wrote.

When he is not sewing, the opponent carries out “educational activities” that consist of “sitting for hours on a bench, under a portrait of Putin”.

“On Saturday, the workday lasts five hours. Then we still have to sit on the bench under the portrait,” he said.

Sunday is a “rest day”, but, he recalled, he has to go back to the bank again “for 10 hours”.

Despite this day-to-day, Navalny explained that he remains “optimistic” he learned by heart and English passages from “Hamlet”, by the British playwright William Shakespeare.

“The prisoners who work with me say that when I close my eyes and mutter Shakespearean things in English (…) it feels like I’m invoking a demon”, joked the activist.

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