Início » Ghislaine Maxwell sentenced to 20 years for sex trafficking of minors

Ghislaine Maxwell sentenced to 20 years for sex trafficking of minors

Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s former girlfriend, has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for helping the millionaire lure teenage girls to be sexually abused.
The crimes occurred when the couple lived with some of the world’s most famous people, including former US presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, as well as British Prince Andrew and Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

The sentencing was the culmination of an indictment that detailed that Maxwell and Epstein flaunted their wealth and connections to prominent people to groom vulnerable girls and then exploit them.

Read more: The photo that puts the royal family back in the middle of the Epstein scandal

The crimes occurred when the couple socialized with some of the world’s most famous people, including former US presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, as well as British Prince Andrew and Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in prison while awaiting trial. Ghislaine Maxwell has denied being an accomplice of her former boyfriend. Last Thursday, US prosecutors had asked for a sentence of at least 30 years in prison for the British woman.

Read more at: Delas

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