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China and US want to keep lines of communication open

Top diplomatic advisers from China and the United States pledged on Monday to keep the lines of communication open after the verbal dispute between defense officials over the Taiwan issue.

Jake Sullivan, top diplomatic adviser to US President Joe Biden, and his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi, however, did not announce any compromise on their main tension points.

The dialogue took place in Luxembourg, days after an exchange of warnings between Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe and his US counterpart Lloyd Austin during the Shangri-La Dialogue, an annual security forum held in Singapore.

Wei warned that China will “fight to the end” to stop Taiwan’s independence. The US Defense Secretary denounced Beijing’s “provocative and destabilizing” military activity near the island.

Cited by the official Xinhua news agency, Yang Jiechi reiterated that the “Taiwan issue touches the political foundation of China-US relations and, if not handled properly, will have a detrimental impact.”

The adviser urged the United States to avoid “bad judgment” and “illusions” on this matter.

Read more in Today Macau

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