Início » Euribor rate remains positive for a week

Euribor rate remains positive for a week

The six-month Euribor, the most used in Portugal in mortgage loans, increased this Monday, showing rises a week ago, and maturities at 12 and three months also advanced.
After six months, Euribor grew 0.025 points, standing at 0.108%.

The six-month Euribor entered positive territory on Monday of last week, after being negative for six years and seven months.

In turn, the 12-month Euribor rate rose to 0.792%, up 0.112 points from Friday.

After having soared on April 12 to 0.005%, for the first time positive since February 5, 2016, the 12-month Euribor has been in positive territory since April 21.

Within three months, Euribor was up 0.017 points to -0.281%.

The evolution of Euribor interest rates is closely linked to increases or decreases in the European Central Bank’s (ECB) key interest rates.

The three-, six- and 12-month Euribor rates entered negative territory on 21 April 2015, 6 November 2015 and 5 February 2016, respectively.

The three-, six- and 12-month Euribor rates recorded their lowest ever, respectively, of -0.605% on 14 December 2021, -0.554% and -0.518% on 20 December 2021.

Euribor is set by the average of the rates at which a group of 57 banks in the eurozone are willing to lend money to each other on the interbank market.

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