Início » Hungary warns Russian gas embargo could ‘ruin the entire continent’

Hungary warns Russian gas embargo could ‘ruin the entire continent’

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán warned in his weekly speech on public radio Kossuth that a European embargo on Russian gas would ruin the entire continent.

“The (Russian) gas embargo would be unreasonable and would ruin the whole of Europe,” said the ultranationalist Hungarian president, adding that instead of imposing sanctions, other solutions would have to be found, such as peace talks between Ukraine and Russia. .

“The European Union (EU) is financing the war situation”, said Orbán, adding that, in order to contain inflation, “peace must be financed”.

“(George) Soros symbolizes those who want to prolong the war. They talk of prolonging the war. He is an instigator,” said Orbán, without elaborating, referring to the liberal American tycoon and philanthropist of Hungarian origin.

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