Início » Elections: Cloee Chao says CAEAL “has no evidence” for disqualification

Elections: Cloee Chao says CAEAL “has no evidence” for disqualification

Andreia Sofia Silva e Nunu Wu

Cloee Chao and Jeremy Lei believe that the Legislative Assembly’s Committee on Electoral Affairs has no evidence or clear explanation for the disqualifications it announced. Both guarantee fidelity to the Basic Law of the Macao SAR and remember the participation in patriotic activities.

The Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Commission (CAEAL) is accused of failing to present sufficient evidence or clear information to justify the disqualification of Cloee Chao and Jeremy Lei as candidates for the September legislative elections. Number one and two on the Macau New Games list, respectively, said yesterday, at a press conference, that “[the evidence presented by CAEAL] contains photographs of family or other people traveling, including explanations by CAEAL itself.”

Jeremy Lei also said that all the evidence is images taken from Facebook. “It’s easy to find my criminal record. If you want to know what I don’t respect, check my Facebook profile because the account is public”, he stressed.

Read more at Hoje Macau

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