Início » To avoid having more plastic than fish in the sea, oceans are debated in Lisbon

To avoid having more plastic than fish in the sea, oceans are debated in Lisbon

The Conference Ocean That Belongs to All will gather on the 22nd and 23rd three dozen participants from 17 nationalities. António Guterres has now launched a serious warning about the tragic fate of the seas, and his special envoy for the Ocean, Peter Thomson, will be one of those who will try to discuss solutions.

Seven months before Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon, another American astronaut, William Anders, flew over the Earth’s natural satellite and took a photo showing our planet in all its splendor. That December 1968 snapshot, the result of the Apollo 8 mission, showed a bright blue planet in the middle of the darkness, confirming that despite the name Earth, it is the sea that covers most of its surface, some 70%. And it is exactly the sea that the theme of the great conference Oceano que Belonges Everyone, which takes place on the 22nd and 23rd in Lisbon, will be broadcast via Zoom and YouTube from 09:00 on both days.

“The purpose of the conference is to discuss some of the challenges related to the ocean, from the invasion of plastics in the food chains and the melting of the Arctic to the implications of the extension of continental platforms, from the extraction of clean energy and inputs for the biotechnological and other industries. the insecurity caused by piracy and the trafficking in people and drugs, from the priorities of the investigation to the role of environmental activists ”, explains Fernando Jorge Cardoso, executive director of Clube de Lisboa, the entity responsible for the event.

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