Início » First covid-19 outbreak in Wuhan may have been bigger than previously thought

First covid-19 outbreak in Wuhan may have been bigger than previously thought

A WHO team that has been in China to investigate the origin of the pandemic has already asked Chinese authorities for urgent access to more than 200,000 blood samples.

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) mission who were in Wuhan, China, to investigate the origin of the covid-19 pandemic want more data and have already asked the Chinese authorities for urgent access to more than 200,000 samples of blood. This is because there are indications that the original outbreak in the Chinese city may have been greater than previously thought.

That is what the Dutchman Peter Ben Embarek, the principal investigator for the WHO team who was in Wuhan, said. In an interview with CNN, the expert said that the mission found several signs of a wider spread of the new coronavirus in 2019, indicating that more than a dozen strains of SARS-CoV-2 were first established to circulate in Wuhan, already in the month of December.

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