Início » Angola: Protesters to march in Luanda to demand ‘political change’, ‘save Angola’

Angola: Protesters to march in Luanda to demand ‘political change’, ‘save Angola’

Young activists in Luanda on Thursday march through the streets of the Angolan capital to “protest and demand political change” in Angola, considering that the 45 years of MPLA governance, in power since 1975, “is a lot”.

The aims and motivations of this march, which should culminate 100 metres from the presidential palace, were presented this week at a press conference in Luanda by a group of young activists from the so-called Contesting Civil Society.

“45 Anos é muito, MPLA fora” (45 years is a lot, MPLA out) is the motto of the demonstration scheduled for today, a bank holiday in Angola, in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Day of the Beginning of the National Liberation Struggle.

“We understand that 45 years of governance is a long time and, throughout that time, the MPLA has done almost nothing, on the contrary, it has worsened, it has offered the people serial killings, unemployment, poor health and education, corruption and other evils”, activist Geraldo Dala, said on Wednesday.

According to him, the MPLA “has nothing left to give to the country,” considering that it is “a failed political project in Angola whose purpose is only to remain in power”.

Geraldo Dala said that this is the second demonstration that the movement has organised with the aim of “awakening Angolans” and, on the other hand, “showing that the people want political change,” noting that the protest should also take place in other Angolan provinces.

The activists plan to gather at 10am, at the Santa Ana cemetery square, and march to the presidential palace, in Cidade Alta, Luanda.

According to the activist, the government of Luanda province has already been informed about this march and the organisation has already held a meeting a fortnight ago with the police authorities.

“And so far at least there are no impediments,” he stressed.

Activist Lili da Conceição assured, in statements to Lusa, that she was ready for the demonstration, stating that “Angola is a democratic country and the citizens/activists only want the best for the country”.

“We are young graduates and unemployed, the increase in prices is also worrying, the country is going from bad to worse and nobody does anything,” she said.

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