Início » Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro congratulates Joe Biden on his inauguration

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro congratulates Joe Biden on his inauguration

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro congratulated Joe Biden on his inauguration as US president on Wednesday after spending weeks ignoring his election victory.

The right-wing leader of South America’s largest economy — dubbed the “Trump of the Tropics” for his emulation of Donald Trump — sent his best wishes on Twitter.

“I congratulate Joe Biden, 46th president of the United States. The relationship between Brazil and the United States is old, solid and founded on high values, such as the defense of democracy and individual freedoms,” tweeted Bolsonaro.

“I remain engaged and ready to work for the prosperity of our nations and the well-being of our citizens.”

The Brazilian president took more than a month to recognize Biden’s victory in the November election, and was the last G20 leader to offer his congratulations in mid-December, promising to work with the incoming administration.

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