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EU regrets new US tariffs on European products

The European Commission regrets the announcement of new American tariffs on European products, a “unilateral action” that hinders negotiations to resolve a dispute over subsidies to airlines – said a spokeswoman for the institution in Brussels on Thursday (31).

In a note, the spokeswoman added that the EU “will commit to the new American government as soon as possible to continue these negotiations and find a lasting solution to this dispute”.

Washington was surprised to announce, at the end of the year, the decision to impose additional tariffs on European products, in retaliation for the measures that the EU had adopted in the context of the dispute between Airbus and Boeing for state subsidies.

With the new measure, Washington added spare parts for aircraft and non-sparkling wines and cognacs from France and Germany to the list of European products with special tariffs.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) had authorized the EU to adopt tariffs on North American products as a result of the endless dispute generated by the two aeronautical giants. The litigation has been going on for 16 years.

Washington considered, however, that the calculation method used by the EU to define its measures excessively penalized American products and, therefore, decided to impose the new tariffs.

Since 2019, the United States has imposed punitive tariffs of up to 25% on imports of European products, such as wine, cheese and olive oil, or Scotch whiskey, as well as 15% taxes on Airbus aircraft.

The EU’s reaction on Thursday brings a new approach, by ignoring the government of late President Donald Trump and focusing on negotiations with future administration, President-elect Joe Biden.

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