Início » Nurse tests positive for Covid-19 more than a week after taking vaccine

Nurse tests positive for Covid-19 more than a week after taking vaccine

The case happened in California, in the United States of America. The 45-year-old male nurse had taken Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine.

An American nurse will have tested positive for coronavirus more than a week after taking the first dose of Pfizer vaccine against Covid-19. The case happened in California, in the United States of America, and is being reported by ABC News.

According to the advanced information, the 45-year-old nurse, who works in the emergency room of two different hospitals, will have received the vaccine against Covid-19 on December 18, having only experienced some pain in his arm, but no other side effects .

However, on the 24th of December, after taking a shift at the Covid-19 unit of a hospital, the nurse began to have symptoms of the disease: fatigue, muscle pain and chills. He decided to take the coronavirus test after two more days, which tested positive.

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