Início » After Russia is banned from the Olympics, China creates law that criminalizes doping

After Russia is banned from the Olympics, China creates law that criminalizes doping

The main consequences suffered by clubs and athletes around the world when it comes to doping are punishments that usually involve their own competitions, such as banning and losing titles. China has already decided to go further: trying to improve performance through illegal substances is now a crime that can be jailed.

According to the official Chinese state news agency Xinhua, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress voted to add Amendment XI to its criminal law, Article 355. It stipulates that anyone who attracts, instigates or deceives athletes into using substances banned in national or international competitions can face up to three years in prison in addition to a fine. Heavier punishments will be applied to those who organize or force athletes into doping.

In China, sport is a matter of state and synonymous with “soft power”. The amendment will go into effect in March 2021, four months before the Tokyo Olympics.

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