Início » 50 journalists killed in 2020, increasingly in peace zones

50 journalists killed in 2020, increasingly in peace zones

This year, 50 journalists were killed and almost seven out of 10 in countries at peace rather than in war zones, said Reporters Without Borders (RSF) in its annual report published yesterday.

While the death toll “remains stable” compared to the 53 journalists killed in 2019, more and more “are being murdered in countries at peace”, that is, 34 people, representing 68% of the total number of homicides, according to French non-governmental organization (NGO), which produced this report between January 1st and December 15th.

The proportion of journalists killed in conflict zones is steadily decreasing, from 58% in 2016 to 32% this year in countries like Syria and Yemen or “zones mined by low or medium intensity conflicts” like Afghanistan and Iraq . Mexico is the deadliest country for the profession with eight dead, followed by India and Pakistan with four each, the Philippines and Honduras, both with three.

Read more in Jornal de Angola.

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