Início » All your questions about Covid-19 vaccination in Shanghai answered

All your questions about Covid-19 vaccination in Shanghai answered

Shanghai has started inoculating key groups for Covid-19 vaccination. The Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued a Q&A for questions that concern many people.

Q: Who are the priority groups for Covid-19 vaccination?

A: Vaccines will be given first to priority groups with high potential infection risks. These include inspection and quarantine customs staff engaged in handling imported cold-chain products, baggage workers at ports, staff involved in international and domestic transportation, those who will work or study overseas, those working at frontier ports exposed to overseas infection hazards, medical workers, government officials, police, firefighters, community workers and people whose work is related to logistics, senior care, public sanitation, public utility, transportation, funeral and interment, and telecommunications.

Q: What are the vaccines used in Shanghai?

A: They are inactivated virus vaccines. Using chemical means, they curb infection and replication of the COVID-19 virus, and trigger human immune response activity.

The vaccines are based on traditional and classic vaccine preparation methods, which originate in mature and reliable research and development.

Read more in Shanghai Daily

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