Início » Brazilian study reinforces that SARS-CoV-2 reinfection is possible and can be serious

Brazilian study reinforces that SARS-CoV-2 reinfection is possible and can be serious

Asymptomatic and even mild cases of Covid-19 do not offer immunization against the disease, according to a new study by Fiocruz released on Wednesday.

Published in the Social Science Research Network, the work reinforces the idea that reinfection by SARS-Cov-2 is possible and can result in a serious condition. In other words, the population is even more vulnerable to the pandemic than previously thought.

The main author of the study, virologist Thiago Moreno, said that he hastened the dissemination of the results as much as possible for a matter of social responsibility.

“I feel like a matter of social responsibility to disclose as soon as possible,” said Moreno, recalling that we are on the eve of the holiday season and holiday trips. “If you have ever had an asymptomatic or mild infection, it does not mean that you will not have it again, nor that it will be mild again.”

Read more in portuguese at IstoÉ.

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