Início » Portugal is one of the countries that least employs immigrants

Portugal is one of the countries that least employs immigrants

Paula Sofia Luz

The country that has always been marked by emigration, appears at the end of the table among the countries in Europe of the 27 that least employs foreign population. On International Migration Day (which will be marked this Friday), Pordata makes public a new fact: only 3% of the employed population is foreign

The data referring to 2019 has a deep impact on the integration of migrants in Portugal: only 3% of the employed population is foreign. In Luxembourg, for example, the number exceeds 53% of the employed population. The data have just been revealed by Pordata (through the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation), regarding the International Day of Migration, which is celebrated this Friday, December 18th.

“Compared to the national, the foreign population is more vulnerable to unemployment”, underlines Pordata, noting that, in 2019, the unemployment rate reached almost 12% of the foreign active population, twice the value registered with the national active population.

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