Início » Angola has been the largest banana producer in Africa for six years

Angola has been the largest banana producer in Africa for six years

Angola is the largest African banana producer and the seventh in the world with an offer of 4.4 million tons, according to the latest table of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Fund (FAO)

Led by India, with 29.7 million tons, China comes next with 12.9 million of the total of 88.5 million tons of banana per year made available by the 10 largest world producers. However, this 2020 classification, which reports 2019 production, shows a slight drop when compared to 115.7 million tons in 2018, a period in which India also led with around 26.6 percent of supply, followed by China with 9.7 percent, Indonesia (6.3), Brazil (5.8) and Ecuador (5.6) in the top 5.

According to FAO, bananas continue to be the most produced and consumed fruit in the world. Angola, in particular, for more than six years has declared itself self-sufficient in banana production, with emphasis on the provinces of Bengo and Benguela.

Read more in Jornal de Angola

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