Início » Pornhub disseminates child pornography and rape videos

Pornhub disseminates child pornography and rape videos

Pornhub has more visits than Netflix and is infested with material for exploitation and aggression against children and women.

Pornhub prides itself on being the playful and friendly face of naughtiness, the site that buys a billboard in Times Square in New York and pays for snow plows to clear the streets of Boston. The company donates money to organizations fighting for racial justice and offers free sexual content to help people get through the Covid-19 lockdowns.

The supposedly “healthy” Pornhub attracts 3.5 billion visits per month, more than Netflix, Yahoo or Amazon. Pornhub earns from the nearly three billion ads seen on the site each day by visitors. A ranking classifies the company’s website as the 10th most visited on the planet.

Read more in portuguese at Folha de S.Paulo.

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