Início » Xi Jinping announces the eradication of “absolute poverty” in China

Xi Jinping announces the eradication of “absolute poverty” in China

The President of People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, announced on Thursday (3) that the country “overcame absolute poverty” and formalized the “victory” noting that the Politburo Standing Committee united and guided the entire Chinese Communist Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country for this to happen.

“It was the biggest and most powerful fight against poverty in human history. After eight years of continuous struggle, we have completed the main tasks to alleviate poverty in the ‘new era’ as scheduled, ”said Xi, quoted by the China Daily.

According to the Chinese leader, “according to current standards, the poor in rural areas have been lifted out of poverty and all poor counties have been removed.”

Read more in Portuguese at IstoÉ.

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