Início » National Security: “There is no room for negotiation”, Wong Sio Chak

National Security: “There is no room for negotiation”, Wong Sio Chak

The secretary for Security said that looking after the national security “is an obligation of all Chinese citizens” and revealed to be aware of cases in which anti-government political movements from Hong Kong and Taiwan came from Macau.

In response to Au Kam San, Wong Sio Chak affirmed that an “imposition by the Central Government” that cannot be negotiated. The creation of a commission dedicated to the matter is a possibility.

The Secretary for Security, Wong Sio Chak, said yesterday that there is no “scope for negotiation” on the topic of national security, as it is an imposition of the Central Government.

The position came in response to the intervention of several deputies who asked for the floor to address the issue of national security during the debate on the Lines of Government Action (LAG) for the area of ​​Security.

“This is a subject that does not allow negotiation. It is a national matter, according to the imposition of the Central Government. As we have this constitutional and citizenship duty, there is no room for negotiation ”, said the Secretary for Security, after Au Kam San accused Wong Sio Chak of not“ acting proportionately ”about the use of the Basic Law and the security law to define who they are as “personas non gratas” who are prevented from entering Macau.

Read more in portuguese at Hoje Macau

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