Início » Poaching leads to the extinction of zebras in Angola

Poaching leads to the extinction of zebras in Angola

Some species of animals, such as zebras, ostriches, buffalo, caumbas and impalas, existing in the Bicuar National Park, in Huíla province, are in danger of extinction due to poaching.

With a dimension of 7,900 square kilometers, the Parque do Bicuar was created in 1953 with the aim of protecting and defending various animal and plant species, being located in an area bordering the municipalities of Quipungo, Matala and Gambos.

The official said that the five species have not been seen since 2007, when the Government took over the management of the reserve. “What we have seen in the park are herds of 30 to 45 red snakes, gungas, olongos, elephants, wild goats, leopards, hyenas, jackals, black foxes, wild cats and a range of birds”, he stressed.

Read more in Jornal de Angola

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