Início » China tests millions and imposes blockades after detecting outbreaks in three cities

China tests millions and imposes blockades after detecting outbreaks in three cities

As temperatures drop, large-scale measures are being implemented in the cities of Tianjin, Shanghai and Manzhouli. After detecting several cases transmitted locally, the authorities opt for mass testing, the imposition of blockades and the closure of schools.

Chinese authorities are testing millions of people, imposing blockades and closing schools after several cases of the new locally transmitted coronavirus have been diagnosed in the past few days in three cities.

As temperatures drop, large-scale measures are being implemented in the cities of Tianjin, Shanghai and Manzhouli, despite the low number of new cases, compared to the United States and several European countries.

Many experts and Chinese government officials have warned that the virus is spreading more in cold climates. Recent outbreaks have shown that there is a risk that the virus will return, despite being largely controlled in China.

The National Health Commission has reported two new cases transmitted locally in Shanghai in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to seven since Friday.

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