Início » Bolsonaro asks countries to help fight illegal wood trade

Bolsonaro asks countries to help fight illegal wood trade

In a live broadcast, the president said that the government will intensify inspection.

President Jair Bolsonaro said on Thursday (19) that the fight against illegal wood trade in Brazil depends on international collaboration involving other countries, especially Europeans, since the continent is considered the destination of much of the product’s smuggling. The statement was given during a weekly live broadcast on social media.

“These countries can collaborate with us. The Amazon is immense, it is bigger than Western Europe all together. So, it is not easy for us to take care of everything. Criticism is now heightened. Is there illegal deforestation? There is, ”said the president, accompanied by the Minister of Justice, André Mendonça, and Federal Police Chief Alexandre Saraiva, superintendent of the corporation in Amazonas.

On Tuesday (17), during a speech at the 12th BRICS Summit, Bolsonaro said the government would reveal a list with names of countries that import wood illegally extracted from the brazilian Amazon. When returning to the subject during the live broadcast, the president mentioned that there is a list of companies and countries that would be involved in the illegal market, but the objective is not to accuse other nations, but to solve the problems.

“We have here the names of the companies that import this and what countries they belong to. We are not going to accuse country A, B or C of committing a crime, but the company in those countries is, ”he said. “But when we reach a good conclusion, this issue will reduce deforestation in Brazil. It is what we want. It is not enough just to criticize, we have to present something. We are presenting”.

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