Início » Meet the ten poorest countries in the world. One speaks portuguese

Meet the ten poorest countries in the world. One speaks portuguese

Mozambique closes the top 10 countries with less education, lower income and low life expectancy.

Poverty is a phenomenon that affects several nations in the world. A large part of the world population, mainly in African countries, lives in these conditions. The Human Development Index (HDI) is used to measure the level of poverty in global societies today, and takes into account issues such as education, income and life expectancy.

The ranking of the poorest countries in the world – as well as the richest – is defined considering the elements of the HDI. Accordingly, the 10 poorest countries in the world, according to the UN human development report, are Niger, the Central African Republic, Chad, South Sudan, Burundi, Mali, Eritrea, the Sierra Lioness and Mozambique.

To reach this result, the HDI measures, specifically and as previously mentioned, the education, income and life expectancy of a given society. This classification standard considers a scale from 0.000 to 1 point. The closer the country is to zero, the worse the living conditions of its society and the lower the quality of life of that people.

When thinking, for example, about education, it is expected that the society analyzed will be fully literate, without presenting a deficit in reading or textual interpretation, considering the average time that students attend school and if they know basic mathematical operations. Thus, the longer the child or adolescent stays in school, the better conditions the country has to be developed.

Income is calculated by simply dividing a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and its number of inhabitants. GDP is the sum of all the country’s wealth, through services and goods produced in the year in question. In this way, the per capita income is reached. With the income of a group, it is possible to identify their ability to consume.

Finally, through health, the average life expectancy of a society is analyzed. When life expectancy is high (around 75 years), it means that that social group has access to medicines, disease treatments, medical resources and basic sanitation. Conversely, we find a society with a low average life expectancy (below 50 years), which does not have adequate medical treatments and whose population dies from health problems that could be controlled.

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